Fear, ignorance and convenience are the enemies of outdoor recess
The case for letting children play outside at school all year
Last week, I appeared on the 1000 Hours Outside podcast to talk about outdoor play year-round – why children need it and how we can give it to them. (If you missed the episode, you can listen to it here.) One of the topics we covered was recess and how kids often miss out on valuable time outside during the cold months because schools decide to move recess indoors. At best, indoor recess means playing in the gym, where the children can at least move around. At worst, it means staying in the classroom to watch a movie or play on tablets.
I say “worst,” because a recess period where children are sitting still inside may give them a brief break from their schoolwork, but it gives them none of the other benefits of outdoor recess, like fresh air, exercise and a chance to socialize with their peers. Why is this important? Because fresh air helps oxygenate the blood, which in turn is necessary for the cells to produce energy, replace worn-out cells and support the immune system. Movement boosts memory, learning and thinking skills, and keeps children strong and healthy. Finally, recess is the one time of the day when children can play freely and come up with their own games, without intervention from adults, which is good for so many reasons, not the least because it allows for creativity and imagination to blossom as well as teaches problem solving and conflict resolution. Studies have also shown that recess has a positive impact on student behavior.
In other words: Outdoor recess is far too essential to children’s well-being to be restricted to fair weather days. Moreover, for some kids recess may be the only time of the day when they get outside.
The times they are a-changin’
Unfortunately, recess is under attack in the U.S. Only nine states require recess in elementary schools and 40 percent of American elementary schools have eliminated or are considering eliminating recess. Minorities and children living in poverty are less likely to have recess than white students and those living above the poverty line.
When I researched my book There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather, I talked to several older elementary school teachers who also complained that outdoor recess is much more likely to get cancelled due to weather today than a generation ago. And when the children are allowed outside, they’re much more restricted in what they’re allowed to do. A few samples:
One principal said the school is worried about sending the kids outside if there’s as much as a rain cloud in the sky, since parents are prone to call and complain.
At one school, the children were not allowed to play in the snow, in case they would track it onto the school bus.
One teacher said the kids are not allowed to play on frozen puddles, because the school is afraid of litigation, should a child fall and injure themselves.
The last point is one that I hear over and over again – and I don’t buy it. Every year, 3.5 million American children are injured playing organized sports, yet I’ve never heard of a school that has banned children from playing football or basketball due to the risk of litigation. On the contrary, children’s participation in sports is generally encouraged, since sports are closely associated with schools’ identity. As far as tracking snow goes, yes, sweeping out the school bus is extra work, but it can be done. Inside the school, an easy fix for keeping snow out is to have the children wear slippers in the classrooms, rather than their shoes or boots. And the reason why parents complain about recess in inclement weather can often be traced to misconceptions about cold and rainy weather making children sick. Countering these misconceptions and getting the parents on board will require persistent communication and education on the benefits of outdoor play year-round.
Every child needs recess
Another big issue for many schools is that some children don’t come dressed for the weather, due to poverty, ignorance or resistance from the children themselves. While this is a problem, I don’t think it’s insurmountable. (Plus, keeping children inside for an entire school day creates its own set of problems, with children bouncing off the walls and being less prepared to learn.) If schools are consistent with outdoor recess, rain or shine, and clearly communicate with parents what the recess policy is, as well as what type of clothes the child will need at school, a lot of these situations could be avoided.
For the families who struggle economically, and can’t cover the cost of winter gear, the school and the community need to step up to help. Do a coat drive. Organize a swap meet. Keep a closet of some extra hats, mittens and jackets that kids can borrow from at school. If there’s enough money to put a laptop in every kindergartner’s hand, surely we can provide them with enough clothes to play outside in the winter. As with everything else, I think it’s a matter of priorities. And every child needs and deserves outdoor recess, all year.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Does your child’s school allow recess all year? If not, what do you think is the biggest challenge?
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One thing to contemplate
“Children cannot bounce off the walls if we take away the walls.”
Erin Kenny, founder of Cedarsong Nature Kindergarten
Two ways to take action
1. Do you want to fight for your child’s right to recess? If so, Peaceful Playgrounds has a free recess campaign toolkit that has everything you need to get started.
2. If you want to advocate for better schoolyards in your school district, download this Green Schoolyards toolkit from the Children and Nature Network. This is a fantastic resource that includes practical handouts, convincing presentations and a step-by-step guide to getting the community on board and achieving your goals.
Three things to read/do
1. Recess Duty. How a group of parents in Alabama tried to get their kids outside more during the school day. While they didn’t get exactly what they wanted, there was some positive change - and lots of learnings - in the process.
2. I’m one of the keynote speakers at the Hygge in the Early Years Online Conference on October 26th. The theme of this year’s event is “Wild Nature Play” and I will be talking about - you guessed it - why and how we can get young children outside year round. This program is geared toward early childhood educators and others who work with young children.
3. With Halloween coming up, it’s the perfect time to make these uber cute leaf puppets! Instructions are on the blog - if you make them, I’d be thrilled if you post a picture on Instagram and tag me (@rainorshinemamma)!
See you outside!
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Before you go...
I have a curated selection of some of my favorite children's outerwear at Outdoor School Shop. When you shop through the link, I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Check out the Rain or Shine Mamma shop at ODSS here.
I've published two books: There's No Such Thing as Bad Weather and The Open-Air Life. If you enjoyed them, you can help others find them by leaving an Amazon review here and here respectively.
I often get interviewed about outdoor play and nature connection at various podcasts. You can find all the episodes I've participated in here.
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I’m glad that outdoor recess happens all year (unless it’s really bad air quality, like the other day due to a nearby wildfire) at the school my daughter goes too; my problem is that the recess time is so short. Kids need more than 15 minutes to get into a game or imaginative play.
Thank you for this important piece, Linda. I am so grateful to live in a place that values that outdoor time, both at recess and in some cases also as part of the school day. I know it’s rare. Have you heard of the Canadian organization called Take Me Outside? I think you’d enjoy their mission. Their founder is based here in Banff.